Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Coming Soon: Warrior Bowl

The Rocket football team is hosting its first bowl game of the modern era.

The Kentucky National Guard Warrior Bowl will be held Aug. 28-29 at Crittenden County's Rocket Stadium.

Friday Night: Glasgow vs. Herrin, Ill.
Saturday Night: Crittenden vs. Massac County, Ill.

Event will include Academic Bowl; All Pro Dad's Breakfast; Flag Football Tournament; Punt, Pass and Kick Competition; 5K Run; Patriot Chopper as seen on American Chopper on the Discovery Channel; and the National Guard's Rock Wall, Inflatables, Humvees, Helicopters and more !

Stay tuned for more details. This could be the biggest event in Rocket Football History... well, besides the 1985 state championship and sub-state game last year.