Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Register for 2011 Youth Football Camp

Ages 6-15 – Cost $30 – 8:30-11:30 AM
July 11-13, 2011 – Rocket Arena
Instruction in all areas of football by the Crittenden County Rocket Football staff. A punt, pass and kick competition will be held. Flag football games will be conducted at the end of each day. A T-shirt will be given to each camper. Family discounts available for more than one camper.

Registration forms will be accepted the first day of camp starting at 8:00 AM. You may pre-register by picking up forms from the Crittenden Press or NAPA Auto Parts. Return completed forms to football coach Al Starnes at the Board of Education office.

Name_____________________________ Age________D.O.B.___________
Parent/Guardian Name______________________Phone_______________
Emergency Information
Contact In Case of Emergeny__________________Phone________
Allergies, medical conditions or any other personal information camp counselors should know about_____________________________________
Medical Insurance Yes____ No____ Transportation Parent_____Friend____
Other, please specify ___________ T-Shirt Size ______________(A-Adult or Y-Youth)
I do not hold Crittenden County School System or any member of the camp staff or personnel liable in the event an accident should occur during this camp.

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________Date____________